Background Check On Yourself

Are you searching for ‘nanny jobs NYC’? You may have noticed that to become a New York nanny, many agencies will subject you to a background check. While most nannies wait for agencies and families to run these checks, it’s advisable for a serious nanny to run a background check on herself.
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Background checks can cost anything from $10 to well over $100 depending on what information you want to check. However, they are well worth the investment. They will not only ensure that you look professional and serious when searching for a position but also help you find out if there is anything in your past that needs an explanation.
Most families will run background checks to find out if you have a social security number as well as a criminal history. Some of the main searches carried out by families include sex offender searches, searches with the Department of Motor Vehicles as well as a search to determine where you have been living in the past seven years. They will also want to talk to previous employers to find out about how it is to work with you. 
If there is anything in your past that may raise questions with the family you are seeking a position with, be prepared to explain it. Tell the truth. After all, they will most likely carry out their own background check. 
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The job market for nanny positions is very competitive. There are many nannies competing for any single position. Don’t assume that your basic qualifications will get you the job. You should do what you can to place yourself ahead of the competition. This means getting your papers together including references, relevant certification such as First Aid and CPR as well as your background check. Handing them a binder with all the information required will surely impress the family you are seeking a position with. 


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